A tangible place in the home for family memories without accumulating photo books.
The ability to consolidate photos and videos that are spread across devices, internet sites and the Cloud.
Control the stories and memories you want to preserve and pass down.

A beautiful album in which you can organize the high-res files from the wedding photographer.
Wedding photos next to videos and toasts on the same page.
A wedding album that's kept in the same place as family memories and history.

A digital home for the slides, film and photos you want to digitize to leave to your children.
A method and place to preserve your own legacy.
A digital archive for the story of the family business, a special project like a car restoration, or a garden make-over.

A time saving method for consolidating hundreds of baby photos as they are taken.
A digital home for birth certificates, report cards and "Letters to Baby".
An awesome registry gift that a group of friends can go in on.

A tangible, large format medium
where you can go digitally wild!
Consolidate scrapbooks into
one place.
A platform where videos, audio clips and voice can be included in your artistic creations.